Denominational Headquarters
Denomination Headquarters Coverage is designed to provide specialized, comprehensive insurance coverage for headquarters of religious organizations and their member institutions.
Participants in this program receive the following added benefits:
- A property coverage enhancement for each participating policyholder providing an additional 25 percent of their total building and contents amount of insurance, up to $1 million maximum, to use in case of an insured property loss.
- The headquarters will be notified of a lapse in coverage of any participating institution so that it can intervene if necessary and keep the insurance coverage in force.
- Each participating institution will have flexibility in determining its own coverage and limits, with the minimum requirements established by the headquarters.
- Each participating institution receives its own policy.
- Each participating institution is billed individually.
If you represent a denomination of more than one congregation, Contact Us to learn more about the benefits of insuring your organization and your member churches.
This information is only a general description of the available coverages and is not a contract. In an effort to keep your policy coverages affordable, the actual policy contains certain limitations and exclusions. Please refer to your insurance policy for the pertinent contract language and coverages. Some coverages or discounts are not available in all states.
Used with permission from Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

M&M Insurance

(P.O. Box 369)
Church Hill, TN 37642